The Chapada Imperial is a private ecological reserve occupying the plateau area of the “Two Brothers” farm in DF, located in administrative region of Brazlandia-DF. It’s mission is to responsibly contribute for the protection, conservation e promotion of Cerrado Bioma. It aims to become a reference in private property environmental protection. Its standards are the respect, care and commitment to life and its various manifestations.


Chapada Imperial has been developing research projects, ecotourism activities and environmental education.

It has a privileged location APA da Cafuringa (APA- Area of Environmental Protection). It is also located in the higher altitude of Federal District, at 1.342 meters, on top of rocks as old as a billion years, where the Cerrado vegetation flourishes.

The Cerrados are the second larger Brazilian biome, and in the Chapada Imperial .

Innumerous animals have their natural habitat in the Chapada Imperial, among these many are threatened to extinction such as onça, lobo-guará, tamanduá-bandeira, tatu-canastra, veado campeiro, urubu rei, for example. Thus the ecological reserve Chapada Imperial is an ecological sanctuary only 50 km away from the federal capital.


  • Visitor’s center
  • Restrooms
  • Cafeteria
  • Kitchen (fogão à lenha- wood stove)
  • Open space with 330 seat capacity
  • Closed space with 110 seat capacity
  • Tree climbing for adults
  • Eco-historical museum (work in progress)
  • Playground with tree climbing
  • Mango orchards that are over a hundred years old
  • Hammock area
  • Security
  • Zip-line
  • Market with local products and art crafts


Guides for visitors

Rescue roads – 4

Truck and Jeeps for rescue

First aid equipment, attachable stretcher for helicopter, immobilizer vestCivilian Police, fireman and IBAMA partnershipFast and easy access to Brazlandia – 15kmAccess to fireman and hospital – 18kmImprovements done – ecological staircases, handrail in passages, bridges, decks.Employees trained in first aid procedures, cerrado area rescue, radical sports rescue and everyday visitor situations.
